I use to hate writing…& then I became a writer.

Processed with VSCO with b1 presetI use to loath writing in all of its forms. Essays for class, messages inside of greeting cards, & even the very tweets about my trivial life in 160 characters or less.

I never saw the point, if I’m being completely honest. I never thought I needed to put to paper what I had in my head. But here’s the thing… eventually my headspace got overwhelmingly crowded & I realized that jotting things down was a great way to alleviate some of the stress.

When I was diagnosed with anxiety I wasn’t sure how to cope. It felt like the constant chaos inside of my noggin was there to stay. Worrying about what I needed to get done, remembering to buy milk, making sure I knew the formula for the math test…suppressing all of my feelings about all the craziness of life in general.

I turned to reading to help cope with my anxiety. I found comfort in the words of others, especially when they were able to articulate how I was feeling. This came up in passing with my therapist, and she asked the million dollar question: “Why don’t you try to write?”

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