I use to hate writing…& then I became a writer.

Processed with VSCO with b1 presetI use to loath writing in all of its forms. Essays for class, messages inside of greeting cards, & even the very tweets about my trivial life in 160 characters or less.

I never saw the point, if I’m being completely honest. I never thought I needed to put to paper what I had in my head. But here’s the thing… eventually my headspace got overwhelmingly crowded & I realized that jotting things down was a great way to alleviate some of the stress.

When I was diagnosed with anxiety I wasn’t sure how to cope. It felt like the constant chaos inside of my noggin was there to stay. Worrying about what I needed to get done, remembering to buy milk, making sure I knew the formula for the math test…suppressing all of my feelings about all the craziness of life in general.

I turned to reading to help cope with my anxiety. I found comfort in the words of others, especially when they were able to articulate how I was feeling. This came up in passing with my therapist, and she asked the million dollar question: “Why don’t you try to write?”

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Book Review: Eighteen Years

eighteen yearseighteen years by Madisen Kuhn

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“you have to fight to be alright // it may not be easy, but it’s worth it”

Writing that eloquently captures what is it like to be a human being attempting to figure life out.

This collection of poetry brings upon a deep feeling of melancholy. Madisen Kuhn’s writing is so raw & fervent, taking all of the 3 AM thoughts that I thought could only belong to me & sharing it in a beautiful way. The words within the pages feel so familiar, like friends I haven’t spoken to in a while, but still comfortable with.

I have read this book but I am certain that I am not actually done reading this book. In years to come I will pull this book from my shelf & flip through it, reading the notes I have made & see how I have grown as a person.

This book felt like it was written for me.

View all my reviews

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I need coffee in an IV…

Words by my favorite badass, totally unabashed, female leading lady, Lorelai Gilmore.

I am one of the many people who have succumbed to the life of caffeine addiction… And although I have told myself many times (& tried without success) that I can exist without coffee… It has yet to actually happen.

I have accepted that in order to be a functioning human being in this otherwise very complicated world, that a little bit of coffee doesn’t hurt.

So, I say, drink your coffee without any regrets, friends! Accept your inner Lorelai Gilmore. 🙂

What I’m Wearing:

  1. Striped Cotton H&M Shirt (discontinued) ✿ Similar // Similar
  2. Essie Nail Polish in Sand Tropez
  3. Full Tilt White Chloe Hair Clip


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Book Review: Milk & Honey

milk and honeymilk and honey by Rupi Kaur
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unabashedly honest, heartbreaking, & brilliant.

“how is it so easy for you to be kind to people he asked milk and honey dripped from my lips as i answered cause people have not been kind to me”

The moment I got my hands on this book I was reading poem after poem, prose after prose, laying in bed thinking about the words Rupi Kaur has written because this book made my heart wrench in all the places I thought I had secured.

Definitely one of my favorite poem anthologies I’ve read so far & will continue to reread in years to come.

View all my reviews

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Schoolweek Hustle

Being a student is so much easier said than done, let me tell you.

It has come to that time in the semester that professor call “panic mode” at my school where things just seem to kick into overdrive. Projects & exams appear to occur simultaneously, finals are looming & spring break seems just a few days ago.

I am a worry-wart, panicked stricken, college student who, once things begin to feel slightly overwhelming, reduce myself to my truest form, a ball of anxiety.


I thought planning & planners were a bit unnecessary, if I’m being honest. I picture a planner & the image of a soccer-mom comes to mind; many kids with many places to be, oh how will she manage???

ALAS! I have caved and realized that planners are actually a Godsend & writing things down has helped immensely in my personal success.

It’s a relief to open up my planner & see a color-coded list of everything I need to tackle for the various aspects of my life, such as school, family, & the ever growing tasks of preparing to study abroad.

Nobody needs a fancy planner or journal. I would guess sticky-notes would work just as well, or even jotting down a list onto some paper.

What I’m getting at here is that writing things down? Revolutionary for college students (or anyone with a busy life), I tell you.

Products Mentioned:
Happy Planner by MAMBI

Papermate Flair Felt-tip Pens

Cute Desktop Wallpaper

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London Calling // Pre-Departure Playlist

Music is such a powerful medium; it can elicit feelings, retrieve memories, & even bestow some inspiration.

Going to London is by far the most exciting & fear-inducing endeavor thus far in my life, & with such emotions, I figure that music is the best way to articulate how I feel.

Below is my Pre-Departure playlist, London Calling, with songs that chronicle the feelings I currently have in the months leading up to my trip. I will most likely add to it as more songs impact me & hope that you will enjoy it, if you are a study abroad student or traveler alike.


Look forward to future playlists: Walking Down Piccadilly Circle // In London & London’s Goodbyes // Coming Home

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Happy Birthday, Charles Darwin!

12715585_10205420331614906_7442981047001865397_nHere’s to celebrating a man who has contributed so much to evolutionary theory, literature, & many other aspects of our lives!

In honor of this great (& dashing, look at that beard!) man, here is a photo of me with him, or at least a cardboard cut-out of him, at his birthday party that the Anthropology department at my school held!

In true Darwin fashion, his little get-together consisted of tea, scones, & a ridiculously obscure quiz of Darwin-facts that I, sadly, did not win.

Did you know that Charles Darwin once ate a live beetle? I did not, which is probably why I did not win the grand prize…

Anyways, here I leave you with one of my favorite Darwin quotes to ponder:

“We stopped looking for monsters under our bed when we realized that they were inside us.”
Charles Darwin

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12513586_10205380292573955_759643167418523384_oJust last week I was messaging my sister that I was thinking about applying for the study abroad program & now I am going to London. I am going to live in London.  It still has not fully sunk in that in the Fall of this year I will be on a plane flying to the one city I have lusted over for so many years.

Excitement is an understatement for the emotions I currently harbor, however, there is that minuscule bit of anxiety that lingers.

I have lived at home with my parents my whole life, which, if I am being honest, has not conditioned me for this experience. I don’t know how to be on my own & that scares me. But with the fears, I know how wonderful of an adventure this will be.

I am sure that I will get lost trying to figure out how to ride the Tube, forget that Dollars & Pounds are not equivalent, & will probably get criticized a few times for calling “chips” by the term “french fries.”

I’ll never know how to be alone until I finally go out there & do it. I will probably cry at the airport, on the plane, the first night, maybe even the first week, probably every time I speak to my parents, but it will be a testament of my growth as a person.

If you had told me one year ago that I would be living in London rather than just dreaming about it, I’d laugh out loud. Never could I have imagined that someone like me, dependent, anxious, timid, would ever do such a grand thing as studying abroad.

I am afraid, but more than anything, I am ready for this period of growth.

“A goal should scare you a little, and excite you a lot.”

Joe Vitale


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